We can give your iMac or MacBook a once over! During this process we detect and remove malware, optimize computer's speed, get rid of duplicate or redundant files, and clean up the dust and hair that always accumulates inside.
Has your hard drive failed and contains important data? We can attempt to access it and put it onto an external drive for you to take home. No data recovered? No cost to you. We charge an hourly rate of $75 in case of successful recovery, and we cap it at 2 hours.
Have you purchased a new iPhone, MacBook or iMac, and need to transfer the data from your old device? We charge an hourly rate of $75 for this service. Installing a new hard drive? This migration is included in the price.
Do you need to upgrade your device OS to the latest stable version? We can help! We charge $75 per hour for this service. We can help with your hard drive, data recovery and other software services.
Call us to discuss your needs. We can upgrade your storage and get your device moving again.
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Call us for a quote. Best prices and our famous warranty.
Call us at 647-499-0204